동아시아인류학회과 관련된 영문저널 International Journal of Business Anthropology의 원고모집 공고를 전달합니다.
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보낸사람: Park Christian Joon
Date: 2020년 4월 24일 (금) 오전 10:40
중국에서 발행되고 있는 동아시아인류학회 관련 학술지 원고 모집을 회원들에게 알려주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다.
박준규 드림
국제경영인류학 학술지 원고 모집 안내
동아시아인류학회 회원이 편집장으로 있는 학술지 원고 모집을 안내해드립니다.
한국 인류학자들의 관심과 참여를 부탁합니다.
International Journal of Business Anthropology
The International Journal of Business Anthropology (IJBA), is a double blinded peer reviewed journal, focusing upon business anthropology supported by the College of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University; School of History and Culture, Jishou University; the Institute of Business Anthropology, Shantou University; Center for Social and Economic Behavior Studies, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, China. IJBA is currently published by North American Business Press and can be visited at https://articlegateway.com/index.php/IJBA/index.
Given the rapid growth of business anthropology, a journal dedicated to the field is much needed. Business anthropology uses qualitative and ethnographic methods as an alternative to more formal methodologies. Specific tools include participant observation, informal and structured interviews, and other “naturalistic”, informal, and face-to-face methods of investigation. Business anthropologists play a key role in developing culturally sensitive policies and strategies in a world increasingly typified by cross-cultural contacts.
The journal seeks articles by anthropologically-oriented scholars and practitioners. Regionally focused contributions are welcome, especially when their findings can be generalized. We encourage the dialogues between the findings or theories generated from the field of business anthropology and the theories of general anthropology. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, general business anthropology theories and methods, management, marketing, consumer behavior, product design and development, knowledge management and competitive intelligence, human resources management, international business, etc.
The objectives of IJBA are to:
· Generate an exchange of ideas between scholars, practitioners and industry specialists in the field of applied and business anthropology
· Encourage bridge-building between the practitioner and the academic world
· Provide a vehicle of communication for anthropologists working within the practitioner world
· Provide a forum for work concerned with qualitative business analysis inspired by anthropological theory and methods
Call for Papers
We are always looking for good manuscripts! We encourage practitioners, students, community members, and faculty from all disciplines to submit articles. The editors and one or more anonymous peer reviewers will review the manuscript prior to its acceptance for publication. In addition to research and academic articles, we feature case studies, commentaries and reviews. Please send manuscripts, news notes and correspondence to: Dr. Gang Chen, Editor-in-Chief, via e-mail at jamesgchen@qq.com
All manuscripts should include a brief abstract (150 words maximum), keywords, and follow the AAA Style Guide (http://www.americananthro.org/StayInformed/Content.aspx?ItemNumber=2044) or the Chicago Manual of Style, available at http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html. Please also note the following:
1. Files should be supplied in Word format. In the case of photographs/figures/tables that need to be placed in a separate section please include these in a separate file, ensuring that images are labeled with captions that are consistently positioned and formatted (see more details below). All in-text material must be included in the main files of the manuscript.
2. All authors for the paper should be clearly listed, with affiliations, in the order in which they should be published.
3. Use double quotation marks for all cases (including single words) except for quotes within quotes.
4. Authors are asked to read the Ethics and Publication Malpractice of North American Business Press at http://www.na-businesspress.com/EthicsandMalpractice.html to ensure that all material from another source is correctly referenced, and permission to republish sought where necessary.
IJBA V8(2)-Master
International Journal of Business Anthropology Call for Papers
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